Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's Feb!! 2nd 5H outing

Hello People!!!

Have been busy with my P4 class and not been logging in. Can see that this blog is still active. So happy!!!!

Anyway, i still see many of you in school. Despite the fact that you are all busy with your overloaded work, you still look so happy. heehee

Here's something for everyone to look forward to. Let's have our second 5H outing!!!!

Shall we do it on 19 Mar (thur)? I need ideas for the outing!!! Bearing in mind that we are quite limited in our choices considering the fact that your parents may be worried if we go too far. If in future, when you are older, we may be able to go somewhere far (that is if you would still want an auntie like me to follow).

So, we have like one and a half month to our next outing. Here're some options

1) Someone's house (can someone volunteer his/her house?)
2) causeway pt - movie cum mac
3) vista park - we just play some games and do a little catch-up

1 comment:

Yu Kanda said...

mdm ling notbody will want to go causewaypoint one mostly is vista park or someone's house.