Sunday, November 30, 2008

Backyardigans Original Opening



Monday, November 24, 2008

The long awaited class gathering!

Hey people, sorry for MIAing for so long. Have been recovering well at home.

Here we are! Class gathering on 5 Dec 08 (Fri)! 1pm - 3pm will be at my house, 3pm - 5pm at Isaiah's house. You need to confirm with the respective leaders for the "call centre" whether you are coming to my house and/or Isaiah's house.

Details like where and what time to meet will be given nearer next Fri.

Meantime, you can think of activities we can do in my and Isaiah's house - boardgames, cardgames silly games etc........

Hope to see you!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cute Stuff

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I have a couple of updates for y'all.

The colors changed.
Its yellow and cyan now XD
It's a pretty gay color.
I know.
And then...


Oh yea and the LED Scroller Bar.
Pretty cool eh?
I changed the song...
I switched to MyFlashFetish...
And that's about it all.

Now back to WorldOf Warcraft.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


So sorry I didn't have time to post a video or something...

I have an unhealthy obbessesion with World Of Warcraft...

So to make it up ill post tons of videos.

Make sure you check out BaratsAndBereta..


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Auld Lang Syne

It was an emotional day today as it was the last day 2008 5H will stay as a class. Next year, the class is split up and some of the pupils will be going to another new class in Primary 6.

I thought I would be strong during the last half hour in 5H but I couldn't help but felt sad. We had so much memories in 5H - happy, angry, sad etc...... I still remember the times when I would be so mad with the class that I hoped I would not see the class ever again. But sometimes, during the happy times, I would really love to freeze the moments and continue to be 5H form teacher. I guess it is always because of the highs and lows that makes memories last.

It was kind of sad when I think of the fact that I will not get to teach this class anymore. I do enjoy teaching this class and am so glad that some pupils improved and became a better person because of me. Oh no getting emotional now.... *sob sob*

Whatever it is, I sincerely hope that pupils of 2008 5H will continue to keep in contact and work hard for PSLE!!

Let's post some comments or well wishes ya?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Heritage Trail - Little India

A heritage trail to Little India on 6 Nov (Thur). It was a hot and humid day. We walked into the alleys in Little India and learnt more about this interesting place.

Mac Paaaaaarrrty

 had a fun Mac Party on 7 Nov (Fri). Well, since the last period of the day was Pretty Teacher's period, we used that half an hour to feast. Here are the pictures taken for the event.

Pretty Teacher striking a cute pose with the 6 "sisters"

Isaiah wanting to become one of the "sisters". Haha

"I am flying!!"

Boys will be boys

"Sauces, anyone?"
"I just had a big burp after gulping down 5 nuggets"

"I only have eyes for nuggets!"

"Look! Gabriel loves chilli so much!"

Enjoying the nuggets and fries

"I'm so shy"

"Show me the nuggets!"

Our poster boys advertising for Mac

Friday, November 7, 2008

Holy @#$%!

That is so friggin creepy..

In fact, it looks like a homeless person to me.


Still creepy.