Thursday, November 13, 2008

Auld Lang Syne

It was an emotional day today as it was the last day 2008 5H will stay as a class. Next year, the class is split up and some of the pupils will be going to another new class in Primary 6.

I thought I would be strong during the last half hour in 5H but I couldn't help but felt sad. We had so much memories in 5H - happy, angry, sad etc...... I still remember the times when I would be so mad with the class that I hoped I would not see the class ever again. But sometimes, during the happy times, I would really love to freeze the moments and continue to be 5H form teacher. I guess it is always because of the highs and lows that makes memories last.

It was kind of sad when I think of the fact that I will not get to teach this class anymore. I do enjoy teaching this class and am so glad that some pupils improved and became a better person because of me. Oh no getting emotional now.... *sob sob*

Whatever it is, I sincerely hope that pupils of 2008 5H will continue to keep in contact and work hard for PSLE!!

Let's post some comments or well wishes ya?

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